Christmas in Florida
It was a perfect vacation and a perfect time to visit my husband, Tyler’s, mom down in Florida during Christmas time. I felt so relaxed and rejuvenated while we laid by the private pool that was at our airbnb, and took the kayak’s down the river and back a couple times. I had never kayaked before and let’s just say I want to buy one bad. It was so relaxing! Maybe some day!
So there was a reason to why I didn’t announce we were going down sooner or make it public on social media. We wanted to keep it a secret so Tyler’s mom, Debbie, didn’t find out. Tyler and I were a Christmas present surprise for her! And boy she was so surprised. Tyler and I got there moments before Tyler’s sister, Haley, and her husband, Carter, arrived from their flight. We got our rental car and started our hike up from Tampa airport to Crystal River where we all rented an airbnb right on the river.
Tyler and I sneaked our car into the garage and sat in the dark waiting for them to arrive. They were only 10 minutes behind us. Once we heard mumbling from behind the door and the door sprung open. Debbie walked in first and was surprised and got so excited to see us. She thought they walked in on someones house! We all had a laugh and some tears. But those first couple moments were so joyful!
I got it on video!
As a creative, I knew that capturing the first couple moments of surprising Debbie was gonna be good and memorable! So I got my phone out and captured 45 seconds of the surprise. Laughter and joy filled the house! I’m so glad I captured it, cause I know it will be something we would want to relive again.
Clearwater Christmas in Florida
Once we got to unpack and get settled in, we hung out and chatted a bit. Since it was about 10:30pm when we arrived it was time to hit the hay. The next morning, we woke up drank some coffee and chatted more on the back patio next to the pool. There was just a little fog on top of the pool. That means it was a chilly morning, but not as cold as the 28 degree weather back home in Ohio. It was in the high 40’s low 50’s in the mornings. During the day it would hit high 60’s mid 70’s. It was absolutely the perfect weather. With that sun shining it felt good against the skin. For the first 3 days all we did was relax, swim, and kayak.

The last three days of our vacation consumed of getting tattoos and beach sightseeing. It has been a ritual for Haley and Carter to get tattoos when they go to Florida, we just came for the ride and got some too. Tyler and his sister got matching tattoo’s to commemorate their birth state, Florida. I got a small camera tattoo on my wrist.
the last night
We ended our Christmas in Florida trip at an awesome restaurant called Palm Pavilion Beachside Grill and Bar in Clearwater, FL. Literally the best food and mixed drinks ever! If you are ever in the area, it gives you great vibes, great food, and amazing service! We got there close to sunset and it was the best sunset! It was like the only sunset we got to see while there and it didn’t disappoint!
I can’t wait for our next trip to Florida! For 2021, there are plans with my side of the family to do a family trip. The the coming weeks we will a have a definite plan, it may be North Carolina. We usually go to Canada to an island called Dollars Lake Island Resort, but with the pandemic still here we didn’t want to risk not being able to get in or out of Canada. That is a place I like to call my second home, I would love to live there! Maybe we will get to visit in 2022!
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