Just from reading the title your probably thinking. “Whats your turn?” “Let what begin?” Well I’m about to tell you. It’s an amazing announcement that I’m excited to tell you!
That’s right as you can see there I’m ENGAGED!!!! I’m so excited to announce this to my photography family!! We have the daunting journey of planning a wedding. Even though it has only been little over a week and setting a date for over a year I feel that I need to get everything done. I’m kind of freaking out just a little. It’s ok my fiancĂ© is there to calm me down a bit. With this year taking off with my photography (Which I’m enjoying every bit of it!) I’m glad that our wedding is little over a year from today, but I am glad that after little over 5 years my fiancĂ© finally asked!
I want to congratulate all the newly engaged couples. Let us embrace this journey together!
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