Kimberly+James | Engagement| Cleveland, OH

Business Creative

This wonderful couple met online on about little over a year ago. I can tell they love each other and the endearment that James has for her. I was pretty skeptical about online dating, but these sites I can see how it brings together the best people. Just like these two!!Kimberly+James Engagement 4-Edit-2Our session started at Starbucks (Kimberly’s favorite coffee shop) in Cleveland right near the most beautiful chandelier at Playhouse Square. Once I saw them I knew we were gonna have a great time. Kimberly was getting her sign ready to do her save the date and James and I were talking about some additional areas we could stop at. We started at the beautiful chandelier that was right out of Starbucks, which is absolutely huge and photos don’t do it justice! Definitely a must see! I really had a fantastic time photographing them at the locations we went to. Kimberly was an absolute champ braving the wind and cold. And James was right there with her keeping her nice and warm.

Please enjoy their photos from their session


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